Wednesday, March 19, 2014

book review: Global War on Christians

The Global War on Christians by John L. Allen, Jr. 
As I only discovered after receiving this book and beginning it, the author is a well-known news reporter for CNN and a devout Catholic. 
He 'generously' includes Protestants, Catholics and I don't know what else in the term ''Christian'' and then proceeds to describe instances where these groups were persecuted. Although  I most definitely sympathize with all persecuted people especially murdered and otherwise ill-used human beings, I can hardly agree with the author that all these groups mentioned suffer for the true faith. Obviously, my idea of true faith and his differ greatly, so I don't feel like I can really carry on a worthwhile argument on this book. Quite simply, the author includes accounts of many Catholic martyrs of recent times and none of true Christians...he doesn't mention the worthy organization ''Voice of the Martyrs'' or any other truly Christian groups or missionaries. 
In short, the author is Catholic and likes to imagine that he is tolerant of all who follow Christ so includes 'Protestants' in his book. 

This subject is a very important one to cover and I do hope some other author will tackle it! The thought has often been on my heart that we really do live in luxury here in America. We have never experienced persecution or trials such as the believers in China, India, Pakistan and many more countries have triumphed through. And you can see the difference. We have such weak faith. Such selfish lives, often. We need to examine our hearts and lives and not be a shame to our brothers and sisters around the world.

I received this book for free through the "Water Brook/Multnomah Publishing Group" for this review. 

 "I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review."

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